
Welcome to the CCHomeoffice portal from Thuiswerkplek.nl. The place to order your homeoffice equipment. First time login, use the standard login details that were sent to you by email and create your own account.

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In General    Order    Delivery    Health and safety guidelines    Home Office    damage, defect and warranty  Termination

FAQ - General

Do the products become my property?

Yes, once deliverd all equipment will become your own property and will fall under your own responsibility and insurance. For more info, please read the terms & conditions.

 What can you choose?

Each employee can choose: - one sit-stand desk, one office chair, one IT set plus accessories. The products in this webshop meet the Arbo/NPR guidelines.

FAQ - Order

 What if I choose one item now and another item in a later stage?

That is possible. We keep a record of what is chosen.


When will the items be delivered?

On average, there is a delivery time of 4-6 weeks. For the delivery an appointment will be made with you and the supplier will assemble the furniture. Derksen Verhuizingen will take care of the planning (subsidiary of Thuiswerkplek.nl) and will contact you in time about the delivery moment.

How do I set up my Home work kit?

Setting up your Home work kit is explained here.

 Questions or problems after delivery?

Should there be any problems after delivery, or should you have anyquestions about certain items, we ask you to email contact@thuiswerkplek.nl . You will then be contacted within 48 hours on weekdays.

Who can I contact if I have questions about my order or the items delivered?

We ask you to email contact@thuiswerkplek.nl . You will then be contacted within 48 hours on weekdays.


Measures concerning the Coronavirus

We can imagine that you might wonder about the upcoming deliveries of your home office, in connection with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the measures the government has put in place. We would like to clarify this for you. Our commitment is to carry out the deliveries of the home workstations as mentioned. In view of the current situation regarding the Coronavirus, there are points of attention, with mutual respect and trust, that are important.  

  Presence of sick persons

In order to be able to guarantee a smooth delivery of your home office, we would like to know from you, at the latest before the delivery starts, whether there will be people present during the delivery who are ill in the sense of having a fever combined with respiratory problems. In that case, please send an e-mail to contact@thuiswerkplek.nl. We cannot deliver under these circumstances and will follow the instructions of the local GGD. This does not diminish our respect for you as a customer or other people present, but we must put safety first. Furthermore, we will carry out the work in such a way that there is a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between you and our staff.

 Postpone delivery

In case of illness in the sense of fever in combination with respiratory complaints, it can be decided by mutual agreement to postpone the delivery of the home office. In that case we will make further arrangements with you, such as setting a new date.

Health and safety guidelines

What can I do to prevent physical complaints when working at home?

Please check the page 'Health and safety guidelines' in the webshop. If this does not answer your question, please contact AMS.HRDirectAmsterdam@CliffordChance.com.

What should I do if I am in doubt as to whether my workplace has been set up in accordance with ergonomic principles and working conditions guidelines?

Please check the page 'Health and safety guidelines' in the webshop. If this does not answer your question, please contact AMS.HRDirectAmsterdam@CliffordChance.com.

Do I need a floor protection mat?

This depends on the quality of the floor; is the floor finish suitable for the use of an office chair? What is the quality of the floor covering; is it project quality and how was it installed on the floor: stretched or glued? And what is the quality of the hard floor, for example laminate or PVC floor? Are these also suitable for the use of an office chair? The swivel castors of the office chair are multifunctional; suitable for both hard and soft (carpet) floors.

Damage, defect and warranty

What should I do if something is broken?

Should something break after proper use, please email to contact@thuiswerkplek.nl.

What if my IT product breaks down?

In case of problems with IT products, please contact the IT Service Centre
IT.ServiceCentreAMS@CliffordChance.com . This only applies to IT products that you have ordered via the Home Office portal.


My sit/stand desk is not working anymore.

If the sit/stand desk has been temporarily disconnected from the power supply, it is possible that the workstation will no longer rise or fall. If this is the case, you can do the following:

  1. Unplug the desk for a few minutes.

  2. Hold down the "down" key until the desk is completely down.

  3. Press and hold the button for 10 to 15 seconds when the workstation is completely down. After the reset, the workstation will go down a little and then up again a little.

  4. Now you can raise and lower the workstation again.

If this still does not help, please email to contact@thuiswerkplek.nl .


What happens if I leave Clifford Chance?

If you decide to leave the firm within three years after the purchase and you would like to keep (part of) the equipment, you have to pay taxes over the residual value (desk, chair, monitor/docking station). Within the three year period you can also return the equipment to Clifford Chance. In that case CC becomes the owner and no residual taxes have to be paid.

If you have any questions about allowances and the applicable criteria, please contact the HR department via e-mail: AMS.HRDirectAmsterdam@CliffordChance.com.


Can I return the products (partially)?

Yes, this is possible, for example, if you cannot accommodate your workplace in your new home. Via the Home Office portal you can make a request for a return.

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